Modular Acoustic Analysis Software

Noise is one of the highest environmental burdens in the industrialized countries. Therefore, SoundPLAN have made it there business to contribute to a quieter and healthier environment. It assists in the calculation of both noise dispersion in confined and outdoor spaces as well as internal acoustic parameters for open plan offices and industry. Its main focus is the production of noise maps for the visualization of noise emission patterns in large spaces and its incidence on specific locations.
With there professional noise simulation software, we offer the best and most innovative tool for solving noise problems. Whether traffic, industrial and leisure noise or room acoustics: Sound plan has an efficient and suitable solution for the most diverse noise problems.
What SoundPLAN Offers to do?

Urban noise maps considering road traffic, railways and air traffic.
Noise predictions generated by mechanical equipment over critical control areas.
Environmental acoustic impact predictions.
Planning for industrial noise control.